No team summary for this season.
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
Due to snow day, both meetings have been moved to THURSDAY 2/14. Same times and locations.
Girls in D22, Boys lower cafeteria, 2:45 PM
Boys Track - TFCAGP #8 - McCarry to States, Distance Medley Wins.
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
Lehigh, Saturday 2/2 - The last in the series of eight 'Coaches Indoor Association' meets saw Christian McCarry's 60 meter hurdle time of 8.56 dip under the State Qualifying Standard of 8.65 and lead all competitors from the prelims. However, an opportunity to lower the time was negated by a false start in the finals.
A big first place win by the distance medley team of Alexander Schultz (1200 leg, 3:30.36), Brett Lehman (400, 54.72), Solomon Thistle (800, 2:11.22) and Caymus Ruffner (1600 4:50.56) came with personal bests from three of the four.
Boys Track - Ocean Breeze Invitational
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
Staten Island NYC 1/26/19 - Zac Dallal ran 4:38.29, an all-time personal best winning his heat and placing 3rd over-all in the sophomore mile. An hour later, Alexander Schultz ran his own personal best 4:50.43 winning his heat and placing 6th over-all in the Freshman mile. Other PRs were set by Caymus Ruffner 4:55.71 and Doug Hoyer 5:11.29 who also won his heat.
Boys Track TFCAGP #4 @ Lehigh 1/5 McCarry Wins Hurdles, DMR into Meet of Champs
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
The 4th out of 8 qualifying meets saw the Distance Medley Relay (Ruffner, Grossberg, Cimini, Leung) score 2nd place medals and a spot in the Meet of Champions.
Christian McCarry took the 60 Hurdles in a personal best and only .15 off the State Meet Standard.
Third places medals went to the 4x2 (Wilson, Lehman, Carr, Futch), Josh Chaiken at 3000 and Zac Dallal in the mile with a personal best of 4:46.75
Boys Track - TFCAGP #3 at Lehigh 12/29
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
With lots teams opting out due to the holidays, we took advantage and brought home some hardware. Most notable was the 4x8 (Alexander Schultz, Zac Dallal, Solomon Thistle, Mike Cimini) scoring a 1st place win and an automatic Meet of Champs qualifier. Other medallists included Robert Wilson 3rd at 400, Brett Lehman 5th at 200, Taraji Ellington 5th at Long Jump.
Boys Track - TFCAGP #2 @ Lehigh
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
On Saturday, Christian McCarry added the 60M Hurdles to his 'Meet of Champs' qualifying marks. (Last week it was the triple jump) He finished 3rd in 8.81.
The Distance Medley team of Josh Chaiken, Jack Quinn, Solomon Thistle and Mike Cimini grabbed 3rd place medals, while the 4x4 with Robert Wilson, Brett Lehman, Shawn Carr and Adam Grossberg medaled in 4th.
Updated on 06/10/2022 | Don Betterly
All those interested in indoor track and field, plan on attending. We'll go over team rules, meet schedule, etc.
Wed, October 31st ( Holloween )
After school (2:45)
Lower Cafeteria
REMINDER: PAPER WORK (eligibility, physical/screening, etc.) DUE NOVEMBER 9TH